amd772482425 发表于 2011-12-23 21:45 只看TA 11楼 |
系统问题,重装就没事了,我以前的联想也这样,悲剧 |
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gck567 发表于 2011-12-23 22:01 只看TA 13楼 |
这句话的意思是系统启动失败,请插入系统盘并按回车。一般是由于系统无法从bios中设定的设备上启动导致的。把系统设置成硬盘启动试试,如果还是不行的话,可能是硬盘损坏或者硬盘连接线接触不良,那要拿到维修店去修理了。 |
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xl630377988 发表于 2011-12-24 00:05 只看TA 17楼 |
回复 1楼 的帖子 重装系统吧。别的什么方法都很容易治标不治本。 |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2011-12-24 04:13 只看TA 18楼 |
Rising unemployment would jeopardise Mrs. Merkel’s chances for re-election in September 2013. Perhaps for that reason, most economists are betting that Germany will eventually do whatever is necessary to end the crisis. The surest way is for the European Central Bank to buy the debt of fragile countries like Italy, a notion that terrifies Germans, still impressed by their grandparents’ memories of hyperinflation. If that is what the bank’s new president decides to do, Mrs. Merkel may not stand in the way. |
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走读生 发表于 2011-12-24 05:01 只看TA 19楼 |
联想的机子这几年,问题不少,看情况的你除了有些硬件不兼容,或许是内存条两款不同型号以外,就是装了盗版系统,时不时的就是你说的,每次死机不是蓝屏也不是黑屏 |
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