排名来自互联网。推荐按歌曲名 歌手 歌曲简评排序
1 "Roc Boys"
And the winner is. . . Hov! This is black superhero music, circa 2007: Jay-Z goes to the movies and comes back with an even better film in his head, with a song that plays like the Copacabana scene in GoodFellas translated into hip-hop. The most triumphant sound anyone came up with all year, this track makes you fly in more ways than one.
嗯,优胜者是…Hov!这大约是2007年黑人超级英雄的音乐:Jay-Z看了美国黑帮并由此得到灵感创作了这首歌,就像是GoodFellas(《好家伙》)中的Copacabana改编成了hip-hop的风格。整个2007年最成功的声音,这首"Roc Boys"可以让你用不同的方式在音乐的天空中翱翔。
2 "A Few Words in Defense of Our Country"
Randy Newman
"Let's drop the big one and see what happens." That was Newman's advice twenty-five years ago in "Political Science." But on this farewell to the American empire, it turns out we dropped the big one on ourselves: "The leaders we have/While they're the worst that we've had/Are hardly the worst this poor world has seen." Bush: not as bad as Stalin. Don't you feel better?
“丢下这个大的,看看会发生什么。”这是Newman在25年前"Political Science"中的忠告。但是这个对美国的辞别让丢下的大块砸到了我们自己身上:“现在当政的总统/是所有总统中最差的/几乎是这个可怜的世界上所能听闻的最差的。” 布什回应道“至少比斯大林好”你感觉好点了吗?
3 "Umbrella"
This year's "Crazy," as in the sleeper hit that becomes the world's favorite song. And then just keeps getting more popular, until everybody can hear that robot voice chanting "ella ella ella, ay ay ay" in their sleep. The guitars are prime Eighties studio rock, while the green-eyed lady on the mike sings like the Cranberries.
今年的疯狂之作,从让人昏昏欲睡的催眠曲一跃成为人们最喜欢的歌曲。时至今日变的越来越流行,每个人在临睡前都会听到那段像机器人声音的简短旋律"ella ella ella, ay ay ay"。吉他由最好的Eighties studio rock承担,而这位有着绿色眼睛的歌手在麦克前很有Cranberries(小红莓乐队)的感觉。
4 "D.A.N.C.E."
The breakout tune from the hypercool Paris dance label Ed Banger (run by Daft Punk's manager) is a blast of glitter-disco joy, with a rubbery bass line and an insistent children's chorus demanding that you "do the dance!" Just try to say no!
这个空灵的声音出自让人亢奋的巴黎独立舞曲厂牌Ed Banger(由Daft Punk的经理管理),掀起了一阵绚丽的迪斯科风,歌曲中充满弹性的贝司和重复的童生合唱让你不禁跟着歌曲摇摆!让你欲罢不能!
5 "Four Winds"
Bright Eyes
The lyrics evoke W.B. Yeats; the music, J.C. Mellencamp. No song better captured our current sense of looming apocalypse than this one, which also makes a case for Conor Oberst as one of the best — and bravest — lyricists out there: "The Bible's blind, the Torah's deaf, the Koran's mute/If you burned them all together, you'd get close to the truth."
歌曲的歌词让人想起了W.B. Yeats(耶茨),旋律则使人想到了J.C. Mellencamp。其他歌曲都不能像"Four Winds"一样呈现现在海市蜃楼般的启示。这首歌曲还是Conor Oberst最好的、最勇敢的最品之一:圣经使人盲目,律法让人充耳不闻,可兰经让人沉默/如果你把他们全都烧掉,就会更接近真相。”
6 "Dough Is What I Got"
Lil Wayne
Insanely prolific (or maybe just insane), the self-proclaimed Best Rapper Alive works his down-South magic over a jazzy sax sample and proves his sub-zero flow can make the shy girls horny and the fly girls corny.
Lil Wayne是疯狂的多产艺人(或者说只是有点精神失常),自称是现世最好的说唱歌手。他制作了具有魔力的南方爵士萨克斯小样,以此来证明他的sub-zero flow可以让害羞的姑娘变的狂野,让轻浮的女孩变的朴素。
7 "Rehab"
Amy Winehouse
Not since Eminem has a pop song hit with this subversive force: The contrast between the retro production and the defiantly slurred chorus is hilarious at first — then heartbreaking.
8 "Long Walk Home"
Bruce Springsteen
In a song that sums up the American moment better than any presidential candidate has managed, the darkness on the edge of town creeps into Main Street — and we're left to figure out what went wrong. And if the chorus leaves some hope that we'll regain what we've lost, the E Street Band's martial blare somehow guarantees it.
在这首歌曲里概括了现在美国比过去任何一个总统候选人都好的现状,城镇边缘的黑暗蔓延到了主要的大道,并且我们被留下来找出不对劲的地方。如果歌曲里的合唱给我们以希望可以重新得到失去的东西,那么E Street Band威武的奏鸣就是那希望的担保。(此简介中,多为对歌词意境的阐述)
9 "Boyz"
A dutty-rock jam about riding with your girls, calling out the dude version of "How many ladies in the house?" Except M.I.A. turns those shout-outs into a global-capitalism survey: "How many no-money boys are crazy . . . how many start a war?"
10 "Int'l Player's Anthem"
Before his sudden death, Pimp C celebrated his release from jail with the posse cut of the year: Houston's reigning hip-hop duo with fellow Dirty South crews Three 6 Mafia and OutKast.
在Pimp C的猝死之前,他还与一群唱片界的人,包括统治休斯顿hip-hop的Dirty South和Three 6 Mafia组成的二人组合,OutKast庆祝自己重获自由。
11 "Stronger"
Kanye West
Robot funk is the new soul loop! With his futuristic, Daft Punk-fueled synthfest, Kanye declares he's down with hipster America's obsession with French dance music.
Robot funk是新的灵魂的循环。歌曲中用到了充满未来感的Daft Punk-fueled电子合成器,Kanye坦承自己对爵士乐和法国舞曲的痴迷如同生了病一般。
12 "Gunslinger"
John Fogerty
Armed with Creedence-y twang, Fogerty turns Bush's love for Wild West demagoguery against him, yearning for some frontier justice to tame the "wild-eyed bunch" running the country.
13 "The Past Is a Grotesque Animal"
Of Montreal
The best Bowie homage to mention Georges Bataille since . . . ever? Ever! Almost twelve minutes of emotional turmoil, with an intense krautrock groove full of synths and guitar. Kevin Barnes chronicles the details of a young love gone very, very bad.
最为出色的Bowie在任何时候都对Georges Bataille顶礼膜拜?是的!在这将近12分钟的情感风暴中,有着强烈的实验音乐的特点,电子合成和吉他充斥其中。Kevin Barnes讲述了年轻的爱是怎样变坏的细节。
14 "I Get Money"
50 Cent
This over-the-top celebration of stanky richness was one of the strongest radio hits of 2007, thanks to its grinding beat, nickel-plated hooks and 50's pile-driving rhymes.
由于歌曲中有碾压的鼓点,像镍币一样的符尾和50 Cent充满节奏的韵律,这首庆祝暴富的歌曲成为了2007年电台最常播放的经典之一。
15 "Piece of Me"
Britney Spears
Britney gets a pissed-off synth rocker to match her shaved head as she eviscerates the tabs one by one. Proof that she's got a soul — and the right producers to construct it for her.
Britney用合成的暴怒摇滚来配合她的光头,因为她要一个一个的突出歌曲中的标签。证明她领悟了制作人为她量身打造的"Piece of Me"的深意。
16 "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb"
Britt Daniel's sandpaper voice meets a reconstituted Motown groove built on riffing saxes, a spry dance beat and loads of reverb.
Britt Daniel充满质感的嗓音与建立在萨克斯重复段上的“汽车城”节奏(指一种节拍强而 慢的节奏和布鲁斯舞曲)完美融合,歌曲中有活泼的舞曲鼓点和加载的电子混响。
17 "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi"
Just what nobody expected from Radiohead at this late date: a love song, with Thom Yorke singing like he's been spending quality time with his Al Green records.
没有人奢望Radiohead在这么晚的时候还会推出一首爱情歌曲,Thom Yorke的唱腔好像他在享受与Al Green唱片合作的珍贵时光。
18 "Icky Thump"
The White Stripes
Wondering why there were so few great guitar riffs this year? Turns out Jack White used 'em all up in this song.
想想为什么今年出色的吉他重复段这么少?答案是Jack White在"Icky Thump"里把它们都用光了。
19 "1234"
It starts with an acoustic guitar and lyrics that could have been written by Sesame Street's Count von Count. But then come the horns, banjo, pianos, choir and finger snaps — adding up to '07's world-conquering jam.
歌曲以原声吉他开始,歌词肯定是Sesame Street的Count von Count写的。但是接下来的萨克斯管,五弦琴,钢琴,唱诗班和响指融合起来就成了07年极受欢迎的歌曲。
20 "All My Friends"
LCD Soundsystem
Seven minutes of electro disco that capture the ecstatic bliss of a perfect drug-fueled night and the bittersweet comedown that follows. Heartstring-pulling and party-starting all at once
21 "Crank That"
Soulja Boy
A young Atlanta rhymer-producer cooks up a skeletal stomper and a no-budge MySpace clip, and ends up ruling hip-hop (at least for a few weeks).
22 "Keep the Car Running"
Arcade Fire
Over a mandolin riff, a propulsive two-step beat and a group-sung chorus, Win Butler murmurs and howls about the need to get the fuck out of a bad place. The best Bruce Springsteen song of 2007 not written by Bruce Springsteen.
有曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器)伴奏的重复段,带有推进力的两个节拍的鼓点,还有集体的和声,加上Win Butler时而低语时而咆哮着要他妈的离开这个鬼地方。这些构成了这首"Keep the Car Running"。Bruce Springsteen2007年最好的歌曲却不是由他本人写的。
23 "Teenage Love Affair"
Alicia Keys
This sunny head-bopper is an old-fashioned R&B make-out song, never getting past second base. But that doesn't mean it isn't full of erotic heat when Keys whispers, "Hey, boy, you know I really like being with you/Just hanging out is fine."
阳光的爵士音乐家Alicia Keys填写了这首传统的R&B歌曲,完全没有越过第二基准。但是那并不意味着这首歌曲毫无性感的激情可言,当Keys低声唱到"Hey, boy, you know I really like being with you/Just hanging out is fine"时依然充满了性感的诱惑力。
24 "What Goes Around . . . Comes Around"
Justin Timberlake
Timberlake's karmic payback tale is powered by a killer Bollywood-meets-Hollywood beat. "I was ready to give you my name. . . . Now it's all just a shame" — anger never sounded so sexy.
25 "Teenagers"
My Chemical Romance
My Chem all but cover the Georgia Satellites' "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" on this unlikely Southern-rock rave-up — the catchiest and most fun song of their career.
My Chemical Romance用南方的摇滚和豪放充满活力的音乐形式翻唱了Georgia Satellites的"Keep Your Hands to Yourself—这是他们歌唱生涯中最朗朗上口的歌曲。
26 "Same Girl"
R. Kelly and Usher
Turns out that Kels has learned something by churning out 400 chapters of "Trapped in the Closet." This hilarious minidrama exhibits considerable skill in laying out a complete story (R. and Usher discover they're both dating a young lady who works at TBS, went to Georgia Tech, drives a Durango and has an angel tattoo — it's the same girl!) in four minutes and twelve seconds. No sequels — or flatulent midgets — required.
Kels已经从做出400章的"Trapped in the Closet"里学到些东西。这场热闹的迷你戏剧在4分12秒的时间里展示了如何让安排整个故事的相当多的技巧( 歌曲讲述了R.和Usher发现他们俩都和一个女孩约会,她在TBS上班,去Georgia工学院,开Durango车,身上有天使纹身—他们的约会对象是同一个人)。这首歌曲没有必需的结局或是空虚的小章节。
27 "Silver Lining"
Rilo Kiley
Jenny Lewis and her bandmates are at their tuneful best, channeling Rumours and the pop-rock sensibility that may yet make them famous on this track about the dark and good things a breakup can bring.
Jenny Lewis和她的乐队成员做出了他们最和谐的音乐,以Rumours为媒介,加之乐队对pop-rock的音乐灵敏性,有可能让乐队以这首关于黑暗和美好事物带来破裂的歌曲闻名遐迩。
28 "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"
Miranda Lambert
The title cut from the best country album of the year, this single found Lambert pushing the role of the rowdy Nashville lass to new extremes. Over bar-band stomp, Lambert narrates a rage-fueled encounter with her ex's new girl, and both her big chorus and slice-of-life story are long on raucous energy and entertainment value.
29 "The People"
The Chicago MC name-checks Barack Obama and Finding Nemo, asking tough-but-funny questions like, "Why white folks focus on dogs and yoga/While people on the low end tryin' to ball and get over?"
芝加哥的 Barack Obama和Finding Nemo在歌中问了一个严肃却不失活泼的问题,“为什么白人的民歌总是把话题集中在狗和瑜伽的身上/然而处在社会底层的人们却总试着尽情欢乐,熬过这一切?”
30 "LDN"
Lily Allen
It has the sunniest chorus since Len's "Steal My Sunshine" — but as the street-scene lyrics suggest, surfaces can be deceiving: "Everything seems nice/But if you look twice/You can see it's all lies."
这首歌拥有自Len的"Steal My Sunshine"之后最阳光的和声—但是就像街头味道的歌词里建议的那样,只看表面的现象会被欺骗:“每件事看上去都那么美好/但如果你看两次/你会发现那全部都是谎言。”
31 "Don't Matter"
Having proved he can do raunchy hip-hop jams, Akon comes up with the ultimate prom slow-jam: an endearing ballad about loving her even when everybody else thinks it's a bad idea.
32 "When Under Ether"
PJ Harvey
"Something's inside me/Unborn and unblessed." After fifteen years on the job, Polly Jean Harvey still finds fresh ways to give her fans the creeps — this time by stripping her sound down to a piano and her spooky voice.
“有些事情正在我心中/它们还没有挣脱出来也没有受到祝福。”从事歌唱15年了,Polly Jean Harvey仍可以找到新鲜的方式给与歌迷以激情,这次则是通过钢琴和她幽灵般的嗓音来实现的。
33 "Backed Out on the . . ."
Kevin Drew
The Broken Social Scene co-founder gets nostalgic for OG indie rock with a Replacements-style chorus and some scribbly stoner-rock guitar heroics courtesy of actual OG indie-rock dude J Mascis.
这位Broken Social Scene的创办人对OG独立摇滚产生了怀旧的情愫,他用复古的和声和杂乱的stoner-rock吉他表达了对OG独立摇滚大师J Mascis的敬意。
34 "Are You Alright?"
Lucinda Williams
"Are you sleeping through the night?/Do you have someone to hold you tight?" she asks an ex on one of the saddest songs she's ever written, which pretty much makes it one of the saddest songs ever.
35 "Girlfriend"
Avril Lavigne
With its "I Want Candy" beat and bratty Hills-generation entitlement ("Hell, yeah, I'm the motherfucking princess," she chirps), this was '07's ultimate mall-punk shout-along.
36 "Situation"
These debauched Scots worship everything sleazy and glorious about 1970s New York punk. Their finest moment proves they can play as fast as they can drink.
37 "Throw Some D's"
Rich Boy
"New money, motherfucker!/Just bought a Cadillac!" No rapper sounded more pleased with himself this year than Rich Boy, who made the happiest car song since the Beach Boys saved up for a 409.
"New money, motherfucker!/Just bought a Cadillac!"没有一位说唱歌手可以像Rich Boy一样如此愉悦的唱这首歌,自从Beach Boys存钱买了409后这是最幸福的一首汽车歌曲。
38 "So Hott"
Kid Rock
The killer glam-trash stripper's anthem Rock was born to make, complete with sunbaked AC/DC riffs and so-stupid-they're-genius come-ons like "I wanna fuck you like I'm never gonna see you again."
39 "Guitar"
He plays an old PiL-via-U2 riff and purrs, "I love you, baby, but not like I love my guitar," leaving everybody else eating his purple dust.
40 "Old News"
Dr. Dog
With blissful harmonies, gather-round-the-piano hooks and a big, bright melody, this Philly indie-roots quintet finds two new minutes of Seventies-style pop.
歌曲充满赐福的和谐,聚拢起来的钢琴勾勒出巨大、欢快的旋律,这个Philly indie-roots五重奏中的两分钟发展了70年代的流行乐
41 "Just Fine"
Mary J. Blige
The queen of hip-hop soul goes disco, with an electro-bounce sound rooted in early-1980s club music.
hip-hop 灵魂乐的女皇唱起了舞曲,"Just Fine"中带有80年代早期俱乐部音乐中常用到的电子回弹的声响。
42 "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race"
Fall Out Boy
FOB get their R&B on? How could it go wrong? Several million ways, actually. Yet the latest installment of Pete Wentz's high-school-USA soap opera achieves greatness.
Fall Out Boy的R&B进步了?这怎么会错呢?其实有无数种方式。但是作为Pete Wentz的高校音乐剧中的配乐,他们获得了极大的成功。
43 "Us Placers"
Kanye West forms a supergroup with Lupe Fiasco and Pharrell Williams, and samples Thom Yorke for a one-off that can hang with anything on Graduation.
Kanye West与Lupe Fiasco和Pharrell Williams组成了一个超级团体,并且Thom Yorke制作了一个临时的小样,那样在Graduation上就可以任意发挥了。
44 "Bleed It Out"
Linkin Park
Their simplest song ever, and their greatest — Brad Delson jumps out of the speakers with one monster riff; LP's vocal tag team of Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda sound more pissed off than ever.
LP最率直、最出色的歌曲—Brad Delson在一段鬼魅的重复段是跳跃麦克,而Chester Bennington和Mike Shinoda愤怒的唱腔听上去比以往更加强烈。
45 "Halloweenhead"
Ryan Adams
Adams roams the badlands of his own brain, wondering "what the fuck's wrong with me?" But the meaty classic-rock riffs and soaring chorus suggest he's just fine.
46 "Do You Feel Me"
Anthony Hamilton
The Bomb Squad's Hank Shocklee shellacks a butter-smooth groove while Hamilton tries to look into his lady's mind — and, OK, maybe up her dress. Like an Al Green song updated for big-pimpin' times.
Bomb Squad的Hank Shocklee好像给唱片吐了黄油,听上去如此顺滑,而Hamilton则试图看透这个女人的想法——呃,好吧,可能是她的隔着衣服看穿。整首歌就像是Al Green的作品更新到了big-pimpin时期。
47 "The Pretender"
Foo Fighters
A fist-pumper that proves Dave Grohl's got plenty of throat-shredding screams, ridiculously catchy choruses and loud-quiet-loud metalloid riffs left in his quiver.
一首热门歌曲,展示了Dave Grohl声嘶力竭的尖叫,让人印象深刻的滑稽和声和在颤音中渗透出的高低音不断变化像金属一样的重复段。
48 "Kiss Kiss"
Chris Brown feat. T-Pain
Equal parts smooth seduction and club-shaking bounce, this was Usher's "Yeah!" with even stronger hooks.
49 "Makes Me Wonder"
Maroon 5
Quite a player, that Adam Levine: In addition to his good looks, he's got that silky voice and a big bag of hooks. He deploys both on this dance-pop kiss-off, a hit brighter than any Swedish tunesmith has come up with in years.
很有特色的一位歌手,Adam Levine点评道:除了英俊的外表,他还拥有柔滑的嗓音,能够创造出大段好听上口的主旋律。他在dance-pop kiss-off方面展示了自己的才华,一首相当明快的热门歌曲,今年没有任何一位瑞典作曲者可以达到这首歌的高度。
50 "The Heart Gently Weeps"
Wu-Tang Clan
A Beatle's son, a Red Hot Chili Pepper and rap vets come together for 2007's most remarkable collabo; the melancholy of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is cut by grit from Ghostface Killah and Raekwon.
Beatle的追随者,Red Hot Chili Pepper和资深rap歌手为07年最值得注意的合作聚在一起,带有忧郁情愫的"While My Guitar Gently Weeps"是从Ghostface Killah和Raekwon那切过来的。
51 "Killing the Blues"
Robert Plant and Alison Krauss
He's the golden god who once urged you to squeeze his lemon; she's the bluegrass virtuoso. They bring out each other's best on this bit of acoustic grown-up heartbreak.
52 "Pressing On"
John Doe
An unlikely highlight from the soundtrack of I'm Not There — one of Dylan's least-loved songs from his fundamentalist phase, rescued by the former X frontman, who has aged into the weather-beaten sage he always wanted to be.
这首歌曲并不是专辑I'm Not There中的重要作品,也是专辑雏形阶段Dylan最不在意的一首歌曲,但是Former X Frontman John Doe留下了这首Pressing On,他已经到了一直梦想以来饱经风霜圣人的年纪。
53 "Black Mags"
The Cool Kids
You know how psyched Rich Boy is to have a car with new rims? That's how these Chi-town hip-hop supergeeks feel about tricked-out BMX bikes on their spare, nail-hard debut single.
你能理解Rich Boy将要拥有一辆新车时的那种激动吗?这就是这帮Chi-town hip-hop小子对装饰一新的BMX山地车的感觉。非常用心的一支单曲。
54 "I-95"
Fountains of Wayne
A gorgeous ballad about nine hours on the highway just to be with her that thrives on its details: a rest stop full of Barney DVDs and G n' R posters, the sound of static on the radio, the elderly guy who can't even drive fifty-five.
一首关于在高速公路与心爱的人缠绵9小时的华丽情歌,很讲究细节:尾声定格在Barney DVDs和G n' R海报上,电台发出的兹兹声,年老的长者以低于55里的速度行驶在路上。
55 "Hold On"
KT Tunstall
The Scottish lass rocks out here with big drums, Latin-style up-tempo guitar and a chorus that evokes the theme song to the Seventies kiddie-TV classic Villa Alegre.
这个苏格兰女孩尽情摇滚,歌里充满了强烈的鼓点,拉丁风格的快速吉他演奏和能够唤起70年代kiddie-TV播出的Villa Alegre主题歌曲回忆的和声。
56 "Lip Gloss"
Lil Mama
Things we know about Lil Mama: (1) her lip gloss is poppin', (2) her lip gloss is poppin'. Which is fine, because her angry-teen steez — and a raw beat that sounds like a locker door being repeatedly slammed — are more than enough to carry the lil' Brooklyn MC's debut single.
我们所知道的Lil Mama:(1)她的lip gloss很流行,(2)她的lip gloss还是很流行。这很好,自然的节拍听上去就像是一扇门被重复的砰然关上,这比lil' Brooklyn MC的首支单曲容易上口多了。
57 "Men's Needs"
This Brit-pop gem shows how these three Wakefield, England, brothers delivered one of the year's most slept-on albums: a wobbly, propulsive dance beat, sweetly melodic verse and a shout-along chorus with the right amount of angst.
这块英国流行的璞玉向我们展示了他们3个来自Wakefield, England的家伙在今年最令人期待的专辑中有怎样的表现:摇摆、动感的舞曲节拍,优美的旋律和恰到好处的和声。
58 "Grip Like a Vice"
The Go! Team
Ice-pick guitars, roller-rink organ, pounding drums, blaring horns and samples of Eighties fly-girl MCs Lisa Lee and Sha Rock make for the most thrilling cut on an album full of smart, genre-hopping mash-ups.
破冰般的吉他,溜冰滚轴般的管风琴,密集的鼓点,奏鸣的号声加上Eighties fly-girl MCs的音乐小样,Lisa Lee和Sha Rock创作出了整张专辑中最让人振奋的歌曲。
59 "Let It Go"
Keyshia Cole
Between this Oakland diva's pin-point croon, Missy's cheerleading raps and a great chorus, this hit made telling a guy to fuck off sound like hot fun on a Saturday night.
60 "Make It Witchu"
Queens of the Stone Age
On this relaxed yet filthy track, Josh Homme's voice splashes over Skynyrd-style guitars like Jack on the rocks.
在这首悠闲但有粗鄙的歌曲里,Josh Homme的嗓音在Skynyrd-style吉他的衬托下像是Jack在摇滚。
61 "Down Boy"
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
The art-punk threesome has never made a sicker, sleazier sound. Singer Karen O wails her heart out, and when guitarist Nick Zinner hits that riff, it's like Zep jamming with the Contortions.
这支art-punk 3人组从来没有质量差的靡靡之音。主唱Karen O悲叹的哀嚎仿佛把心都唱碎了,当吉他手Nick Zinner弹奏其那段旋律,就像是Zep与Contortions混杂在一起。
62 "The Last Fight"
Velvet Revolver
Slash's warm, bluesy doodles carve heartache into a moody power ballad that simultaneously laments a drug overdose and the war in Iraq.
63 "Buy U a Drank"
Best pickup line of the year: "Let's get drunk and forget what we did." T-Pain overdubs his trademark filtered vocals into a strip-club chorale, while Yung Joc seals the deal: "When I whisper in your ear/Your legs hit the chandelier."
今年最好的和声作品:“让我们喝个酩酊大醉,忘掉我们所做的事情。”T-Pain把他标志性的带有穿透力的声音贯穿到一首脱衣舞夜总会歌曲中,然而Yung Joc封缄了这宗交易:“当我在你耳畔私语/你的腿紧张的撞到了装饰灯。”
64 "The Magic Position"
Patrick Wolf
A three-minute spin on a sexual merry-go-round, led by Wolf, whose scarlet mop, six-foot-plus frame and choirboy vocals made him the thinking girl's rock-chick crush of the year. He piles up guitars, a toy piano and a giddy string section into an over-the-top make-out anthem.
在旋转木马上旋转3分钟,由Wolf引导着进入他的音乐世界,猩红色的拖把,六脚画架加上少年歌者的和声让这首略带摇滚风格的歌曲横扫全年。堆叠起来的吉他,玩具钢琴和让人眼花缭乱的线条都出现在了这首"The Magic Position"里。
65 "White People for Peace"
Against Me!
How the hell do you turn a line like "Protest songs, in response to military aggression" into a catchy chorus? These Florida punks figured it out and cooked up a rousing call to arms for leftists everywhere.
见鬼!你是怎样把"Protest songs, in response to military aggression"加进这朗朗上口的和声部分里的?这帮福罗里达的朋克为左翼分子虚构并创造了一场令他们振奋的战争号令。
66 "Big Shit Poppin'"
Over an action-packed, guitar-specked synth beat, the Atlanta MC drops rhymes both gritty and speedy. If this can't get you going on the treadmill, you're in trouble.
通过令人激动的电子吉他节拍,the Atlanta MC打造了一首韵律坚毅、快速的歌曲。如果这还不能让你老老实实的继续忍受单调的工作,那么你真是麻烦大了。
67 "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa"
Vampire Weekend
New York prepsters take Eighties revivalism to a logical, if not previously foreseen, conclusion, biting off a big chunk of Paul Simon's Graceland for an indie-Africa fusion. Over a blissed-out Soweto groove, the It band of the season serenades a girl into Louis Vuitton, reggaeton and Peter Gabriel.
68 "Tambourine"
Swizz Beatz sets off firecrackers, bottle rockets and Eighties boombox beats. Eve leads the shake-shake-shake party chants all the way "from da hood to Dubai."
Swizz Beatz点燃了爆竹,小火箭和80年代的扬声器在震动着。Eve自始至终都用"from da hood to Dubai"的方式演绎着这首摇摆的party歌曲。
69 "Seahorse"
Devendra Banhart
Banhart croons about his desire to be a "little seahorse," shifting from acoustic guitar to a spooky, organ-fired waltz before landing in a heavy-duty psychedelic jam. Consider your mind blown.
70 "Bed"
J. Holiday
In the tradition of love men like Teddy Pendergrass and Al Green, J. Holiday sings about how he's going to ease his lady's mind and proves that he knows exactly what he's talking about.
像传统的Teddy Pendergrass和Al Green等情圣一样,J. Holiday演唱了一首他怎样让他的女人感到安逸的歌曲,并且证明了他知道自己在唱什么。
71 "Impossible Germany"
Like growing a whole beard in six minutes — Jeff Tweedy sings in his loneliest voice, following jazzy chords sharper than anything he's pulled off in years.
像在6分钟之内长满了胡须一样——Jeff Tweedy用他孤独的嗓音吟唱着,爵士和弦比他今年得到的任何东西都强烈。
72 "You! Me! Dancing!"
Los Campesinos!
A song about the raptures of the dance floor — except it's also a song nobody can dance to. Brilliant! But the spazzy feedback squalls from these Welsh guitar weirdos just add to the cheerful, romantic vibe.
73 "100 Days, 100 Nights"
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings
Dark, soaring horn-fueled R&B from a fifty-one-year-old diva and the Brooklyn band that helped shore up Amy Winehouse's soul.
黑暗,高音的R&B,来自51岁的Sharon Jones,布鲁克林的乐队帮忙录制完成了这首歌,以此来支持Amy Winehouse的灵歌。
74 "Comfy in Nautica"
Panda Bear
If those early-1970s Beach Boys records rock a little too hard for you, try this fluffy Gregorian chant that sums up the Animal Collective's state of mind: "Try to remember always/Always to have a good time."
如果那些70年代早期的Beach Boys唱片让你听上去不是那么舒服,那么试试这首蓬松的Gregorian chant吧,这首歌概括了Animal Collective的心境:"Try to remember always/Always to have a good time."
75 "Phantom Limb"
The Shins
Reads like a Vicodin-addled daydream and sounds like a lost psych-pop masterpiece — proof James Mercer has melodic gifts like LeBron has leaping ability.
歌词看上去像是混论的白日梦,曲调听上去则像是失落的psych-pop杰作,这首"Phantom Limb"证明James Mercer拥有创造优美旋律的天赋。
76 "Go Getta"
Young Jeezy
The Tony Robbins of the hustling set delivers an inspirational get-rich-now message over a dense, stomping electro beat and R. Kelly's sharp chorus.
77 "Chelsea Dagger"
The Fratellis
No Saturday night of drinking, dancing and catching diseases would be complete without this hit at closing time. The Scottish sex gods drool over a girl and her sister, whichever one will dance with them first.
78 "The Songs That We Sing"
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Music by Air, lyrics by Jarvis Cocker and Neil Hannon, vocals by Serge Gainsbourg's daughter — who gets inside the head of a dead singer, wondering what her songs still mean to the living.
"The Songs That We Sing"的曲调由Air谱写,歌词是arvis Cocker和Neil Hannon共同填写的,由Serge Gainsbourg的女儿Charlotte Gainsbourg演唱。她继承了父亲的遗志,她的歌曲对生者意义重大。
79 "Myriad Harbor"
New Pornographers
A hilarious psych-folk tale from Canadian madman Dan Bejar about going to New York, getting lost, having a bad time, meeting pretty girls in record stores and saying stupid things.
80 "Stop Me"
Mark Ronson
One of the year's left-field hits: Superproducer Ronson enlists Aussie R&B singer Daniel Merriweather to turn the 1987 Smiths hit into a bit of Manchester-via-Motown melancholy.
今年的left-field单曲之一:超级制作人Ronson与澳大利亚R&B歌手Daniel Merriweather一起将87年Smiths风靡一时的歌曲改成了Manchester-via-Motown节奏的歌曲。
81 "Our Life Is Not a Movie or Maybe"
Okkervil River
The haunted Austin, Texas, band sounds lost in misery and whiskey, as Will Sheff brays, "It's just a life story/So there's no climax," with ragged Neil Young passion and a guitar solo to match.
鬼魅般的Texas的Austin市,乐队的演奏听起来像是在痛苦和威士忌中迷失了自己,正如Will Sheff所嘶喊的那样,"这只是平淡的故事/所以不会有任何高潮",与Neil Young粗犷的激情像调和的是一段吉他solo。
82 "Ultimate"
Gogol Bordello
These New York gypsy punks have never rocked so smartly or with such force — the accordion-violin-drums groove plows forward like a tank, then explodes.
83 "The State of Massachusetts"
Dropkick Murphys
On the punkiest folk song — or the folkiest punk song — of the year, an abused mom loses her kids to the state.
84 "The Crystal Cat"
Dan Deacon
Not a tribute to Pete Doherty's drug-fed kitten. But it sure sounds like it — the synths actually mew! Baltimore compu-hipster Deacon chants his way through the verses and sets his vocals on "syrup-guzzling chipmunk" for the chorus of this electro-pop number.
这首歌并不是献给Pete Doherty的小猫的。但"The Crystal Cat"听上去却是很像小猫发出的喵喵声!Baltimore的歌手Deacon用他的方式演唱了这首带有电子味的流行歌曲。
85 "It's Me, Bitches" (Remix)
Swizz Beatz
R. Kelly delivers one of the most vivid boasts of all time ("After sex, I beat my chest like King Kong!"), and Swizz brings a freaked-out track that eventually resolves into the Wu-Tang's classic "C.R.E.A.M." beat.
R. Kelly创造了史上最生动、自豪的歌曲(性爱之后,我像金刚一样敲击自己的胸膛!),而Swizz带来的这首歌曲最终被分解成了Wu-Tang经典的"C.R.E.A.M."节拍。
86 "Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car"
Iron and Wine
With some drums and sound effects tossed in, this bit of rustic beauty evokes Nick Drake with a fuller palette and stronger id.
带有一些鼓点和声音特效,这乡村美景唤起了Nick Drake更多彩、强烈的创作欲望。
87 "Dashboard"
Modest Mouse
Seattle indie rockers' strings 'n' horns disco mix is the car song of '07: "The dashboard melted, but we still have the radio!"
西雅图的独立摇滚排列的'n' horns混音是今年的年度汽车歌曲:“即使仪表盘融化掉,我们仍然保有音乐。”
88 "Computer Camp Love"
A classic story: Boy meets girl; girl shows boy how to manipulate her circuitry. A note-perfect tale of nerd love from two Norwegian dance rockers
89 "I Wish That I Could See You Soon"
Herman Dune
French folkies with a Jonathan Richman fixation address rock's criminal lack of ukulele on this totally twee, utterly charming tune, complete with horns, bongos and backup angels.
90 "Threshold Apprehension"
Black Francis
Black Francis, using his Pixies name instead of his usual solo moniker of Frank Black, reinvents the gigantic razor-blade-guitar attack of his old band and slashes away for the best Pixies song since "U-Mass."
Black Francis把自己常用的昵称Black Francis换成了Pixies,重新使用巨大的像剃刀刀刃样的吉他向前乐队发起了进攻,这是"U-Mass."后最好的Pixies歌曲。
91 "Freak Out"
Bad ideas come in many flavors: disasters, catastrophes and attempts to make melodic pop from out-of-tune-guitar noise. Yet these ne'er-do-wells' career album spins bad ideas into gold — especially with this surf-punk gem, which could be a lost hit from the Jesus and Mary Chain.
坏主意会在不同的事情里兴起:天灾人祸抑或试图用走调的吉他噪音创作一首旋律优美的歌曲。但是这张专辑把坏点子变成了金点子—特别是它有可能是Jesus和Mary Chain上大热的歌曲。
92 "Mistaken for Strangers"
The National
Matt Berninger vents over a post-punk guitar loop; if Joy Division had been Dylan fans, they might have sounded like this.
Matt Berninger通过post-punk吉他发泄自己的情绪;如果Joy Division曾经是Dylan的歌迷,那他们可能就会唱成这样了。
93 "Is There a Ghost"
Band of Horses
Southern rock goes shoegazing in this atmospheric jam. There are fewer than fifteen words in the lyrics, but packed into Ben Bridwell's vocals is a whole doctoral thesis on what it means to be bummed out.
南方摇滚的大气之作。他们的歌词很少超过15个单词,但是通过Ben Bridwell唱出来却像博士论文一样包罗万象。
94 "2 Hearts"
Kylie Minogue
The glam-rock vibe owes a lot to Goldfrapp, who have yet to write a song this good. Bonus: Minogue's whispery Jessica Rabbit vocals.
95 "Satan Said Dance"
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
This pulsing dance track — which sounds something like ? and the Mysterians trying to cover LCD Soundsystem — offers a lyrical vision of hell as a giant disco.
96 "Big Girls Don't Cry"
A modern-day version of "I Will Survive," except with Fergie proving that she too can carry a tune, and making herself sound even more impossibly lovable in the bargain.
现代版的"I Will Survive",Fergie证明了她对曲调的控制力,另外在这首歌曲里的演唱让Fergie的嗓音更加迷人。
97 "Honey Bee (Let's Fly to Mars)"
Nick Cave kicks out of the crypt as if he's just had an extremely profane séance with the spirit of James Brown. He turns himself into a goth-blues king bee, buzzing around the hive of some lucky lady and howling for a little interplanetary love action.
98 "Wild Mountain Nation"
Blitzen Trapper
A shambling, hypermelodic jam from Portland, Oregon, indie boys down with Native American culture — and the best Grateful Dead knockoff in forever.
99 "Never Again"
Kelly Clarkson
America's Sweetheart churns out a spookily defiant revenge rocker, spitting bile at a former lover over captivatingly dour and crunchy guitars.
这位美国甜心艰苦的做出了一首怪异反叛复仇摇滚歌手的歌曲,"Never Again"中具有迷惑性的吉他阴沉、咯吱作响,表达了她对前任情人的愤怒。
100 "Rockstar"
you know it's a weird year when one of the best, funniest songs on the radio is by Nickelback, a band previously noted for having no sense of humor at all. But this not-quite-sarcastic anthem is their bid for a star on the Walk of Fame (yes, "between James Dean and Cher"), and they earned it. If Nickelback can sound like rock stars, there's hope for us all.
当电台上播出的一首最好的最有趣的歌曲是出自Nickelback的,你就知道今年是奇怪的一年。这支乐队以根本不具备幽默感而著称。但是这首并不是那么具有讽刺意味的歌曲却是他们对Walk of Fame的承诺,并且他们赢得了它。如果Nickelback可以唱的像摇滚明星,那我们就都有成为摇滚明星的希望了。